Quilting: Last Wednesday of every month @ 8:30am. (not the months of Oct.- Dec.)
Food Pantry Donation Cart: Drop off the monthly needed items (items needed listed in the monthly newsletter) in the grocery cart located in the back of the Sanctuary, back by the elevator. . Thank you for continuing to support this program.
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: (WELCA) conduct many projects throughout the year. Join us for monthly quilting, layettes, Fair Trade Coffee sales, altar guild, Bible study and library.
Men in Mission: Men In Mission meet every other month.
Coffee and Conversation: Please join us on Monday, September 23rd at 10:00am. All are welcome!. We will be discussing the ELCA's social statement on Economic Life. If you would like to read it ahead of time, here is the link to the accompanying documents: https://www.elca.org/Faith/Faith-and-Society/Social-Statements/Economic-Life We hope to see you there!
Assisting Minister Workshop: Martin Luther said, among other things, that we are a “priesthood of all believers.” Before, it was only the priest and the deacons who were allowed to approach the altar. Luther saw this as one more way the Church hierarchy tried to separate the people from God. Anyone, he asserted, can approach the altar, just as anyone can approach God. Many churches have responded to this by having a congregation member serve as an assisting minister, helping to lead the service with the pastor. The presence of an assisting minister is a reminder that we are all welcome to come to God, and that we don’t have to be an ordained minister to lead in worship. I will be living out that assertion of Luther’s this fall, and I invite you to participate in the position of Assisting Minister. If you aren’t sure what that is or what that entails, there will be several information meetings (each stands on its own; it’s not a series) where I will lead a discussion on what the duties and expectations of an Assisting Minister are. If the Spirit moves you, please let me know if you feel it’s something you can do in our service together. The next Meeting TBA.
Annual LutefiskSupper: This Scandinavian Heritage tradition will take place Thursday October 24th 2024. Reserve your seats by clicking on the link below. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4CACAF28A2FFC16-50972304-76th. In 2023 we served 500 quests, 84 workers, and filled 35 take-out orders. We pray everyone enjoyed this amazing annual event with food, decorations and with everyone's cooperation and enthusiasm.